Solve the OpenCart speed problem with Super Page Cache!

Now works with OpenCart 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x (and OpenCart 1.5.x for all you retro types)!

OpenCart is a great platform for ecommerce. Unfortunately with so many features and so much extensibility, its codebase is very bloated and your page load times suffer as a result. With Google putting so much emphasis on your site’s overall load speed, and with users becoming increasing impatient with slow loading sites, it’s absolutely vital that your site is loading as quickly as possible.

Not only that, slow pages are killing your conversions. According to research done by some of the largest ecommerce sites, every 100ms you shave from your page load can result in a 1% increase in revenue!

Super Page Cache solves the OpenCart slow loading problem once and for all. With Super Page Cache once a page is rendered, it’s stored in a local cache. This means when a visitor visits your site, instead of OpenCart having to generate each page from scratch each time, the pre-generated pages are seamlessly loaded from a local cache. The result is up to a 5000% improvement in site loading speed!

Super Page Cache automatically clears the cache whenever products, categories, or information pages are modified in the site admin. This makes sure updates you make to the products are always available instantly.

How It Works

Super Page Cache flowchart

SPC automatically caches:

  • Product pages
  • Product reviews
  • Category pages
  • Site main page
  • Information pages (about us, shipping, policies, etc)
  • Manufacturer pages
  • Search results pages

Smart Caching Technology

SPC includes Smart Caching Technology to prevent pages from being cached when users are logged in, or have items in their cart. No customer-specific pages, for example account, compare, wishlist or cart pages are cached.

Performance Stats

Keep tabs on your cache’s performance with built in graphical monitoring tools.

OpenCart Super Page Cache: Site speed booster - 1


  • Great for SEO
  • Easy to use Admin page
  • Easy to install with vqmod—includes an installation script so no source files need to be modified by hand
  • Fully configurable and customizable: easily change caching time and behavior
  • You can exclude specific pages, routes, products, or categories from being cached
  • Full graphical reporting tool makes it easy to monitor and tweak the effectiveness of your cache
  • Fully compatible with multi-currency sites and works with sites in any language
  • Fully compatible with the OpenCart Link De-duplicator for an extra SEO boost
  • Option to clear cache on checkout to make sure stock status always up to date
  • Automatic gzip compression for performance
  • Cache runs fully automatically, doesn’t need any ongoing attention
  • No license servers or obfuscated code, you get the full script.

Real Life Examples

Screenshots of performance gains in real life sites running SPC:

Click here for a demo site of an example OpenCart installation running Super Page Cache, SEO Link Deduplicator, and SEO Canonical Links plugins.


- Opencart 1.5.x, 2.0.x, 2.1.x, or 2.2.x
- SPC is made to work with OpenCart out of the box, rarely non-standard configurations may require modifications

- vqMod (free download, easy to install)

What real users are saying about Super Page Cache

“Fast, effective & friendly support! Amazing plugin! Keep it up!” -K

“Five stars!” -M

Release History

Version 2.0.4
  • Added support for OpenCart 2.2.0
  • Fixed bug in full cart detection for OpenCart 2.1.x
Version 2.0.3
  • Improved compatibility with OpenCart 2.1.x
Version 2.0.2
  • Fixed a bug from 2.0.1
Version 2.0.1
  • Fixed a duplicate class error which could occur on rare configurations
Version 2.0.0
  • Refactored to provide OpenCart 2.0.x support as well as 1.5.x!
  • Fixed an issue where caching failed for extremely long URLs
Version 1.2.0
  • Added automatic update notifier
  • Added option to clear cache on checkout
  • Added cache clearing on more admin actions
  • Minor charting improvements
  • Fixed bug that sometimes allowed excluded pages to cache anyway
Version 1.1.0
  • Implemented a better storage scheme for config and stats. After installing this update, your config and stats will reset, you’ll need to reconfigure.
Version 1.0.6
  • Fixed auto install on sites where vqMod was manually installed
  • Fixed notice on certain configurations when empty cache was cleared
  • Documentation update: added manual installation instructions
Version 1.0.5
  • Fixed a bug that caused problems on multilanguage/multicurrency sites
Version 1.0.4
  • Fixes verbiage in spc-install.php
Version 1.0.3
  • Contains a bug fix from version 1.0.2
Version 1.0.2
  • Sets a timezone if not set in php.ini to suppress notice
  • Documentation updates
  • Cache clears automatically on more admin actions
Version 1.0.1
  • Compatibility fixes for different installations
Version 1.0.0
  • Initial release

The script works and is tested with most common configurations. Rare server, plugin, or theme configurations may require custom modification or troubleshooting for the script to work.

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